In the heart of Stoke Newington, a veritable creative breeding ground, that Sonia met Frida Wannerberger, a Swedish artist living in London.
Who is Frida?
Frida, an illustrator for many names such as Orla Kiely, Pringle of Scotland, or Gucci, devotes herself to painting in a personal way. The opportunity for her to express her thoughts on contextualization, isolating her subjects from their environment, leaving the viewer free to form their own associations. His characters are dreamy, imbued with a story we perceive more than we see. They are like Victorian portraits with inclusions of handcrafted designs from her childhood.
Frida and Sonia
Frida devoted herself to being our model during the Ending Beginning shoot under the expert eye of Esther Bellepoque. Find this series here
Her latest personal series inspired Sonia in the design of the Claire dress.
A fine example of an inspiring encounter between two talented and determined women.
Her website: